Property claims are one of the topics that are raised in legal claims and criminal claims. Various topics are raised in this total. Such as lawsuits requiring the preparation of a document, the requirement to obtain the termination of work, the requirement to fulfill an obligation, the requirement to obtain the minutes of a separate meeting, etc., all of these issues are included in the scope of property claims. Common property is a property that is shared between several people and the property is used in return. It is possible for two or more people to own a property in the company without the share of each of them being clear in terms of limits and specifications. This property is shared between the owners, and if the owners agree with each other, separate parts are specified for each of the partners. In other words, in exchange for the common share, they assigned a certain part of the property to a certain owner, we call each one’s share. The term “Mafrouz” is used in front of the common when, in terms of registration regulations, there is an intention to separate a part of the ownership share of one of the partners from the share of other partners in a certain property. That is, if several people each own a common amount of property and want to share their share in order to use their property independently, that property should be divided among them in proportion to the common share of the owners.