The medical profession is one of the oldest and most important professions in the world. Since the beginning of history, regulations have been established to control and legalize it, relying on criminal regulations to
Specialized lawsuits are lawsuits that require expertise in the subject matter of the lawsuit to be examined and issued a verdict. In Iran’s legal system, various courts have been established to settle legal claims.
Administrative lawsuits are one of the most important subjects of administrative law. Iran’s administrative law should put more emphasis on the specialization of handling administrative claims, including administrative contracts and government responsibility, and intends
Sports lawsuits are a type of disputes that refer to professional sports that are directly in the field of sports law and include the rules governing sports, the organization of clubs, establishing discipline in
Commercial lawsuits are said to be lawsuits that are formed due to trade and business between businessmen together or between non-businessmen and businessmen. In a general rule, these lawsuits are basically under the jurisdiction
Criminal lawsuits are actually a branch of criminal law that includes crimes, punishments and criminal laws. The meaning of crime is any kind of behavior, whether it is an act or an actual omission,