Dr. Seyed Hassan Emami was born in Tehran in 1281 (H.). His father was the imam of Friday and congregation, and for this reason, after completing his preliminary education at the Prokimenage School, which was run by the Russians, he went to Najaf Ashraf Seminary to study jurisprudence and religion, Arabic literature, logic and other higher sciences and obtained the degree of Ijtihad. Nael came. After some time, he went to Switzerland to study modern law (1307). After five years of residence and study in the field of private law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lausanne, in 1312, he succeeded in obtaining a doctorate in law by presenting his thesis entitled “Judicial basis of seal in Shia Islamic jurisprudence”.
He returned to Iran in 1313 and taught the history of law and Islamic law at the High School of Law and the School of Reasonable and Mobile. In 1317, he was appointed to a judicial position in the New Justice Organization. In 1323, he assumed the presidency of all courts of Tehran city. In 1317, he taught the law of registration of documents and the principles of legal trials at Tehran Faculty of Law and Political Science. In 1336, he taught civil law courses for the first course of the doctorate in law. After several years of teaching civil law courses and explaining civil law, at the request of students who did not have access to civil law books, he traveled to Lausanne, Switzerland to prepare a book in this field. With the free time he gained during this trip, he wrote six volumes of civil rights books based on notes, pamphlets, jurisprudence and legal books and other sources. These books have been reprinted many times and are still considered as one of the main sources of teaching in civil law university courses.
“He is the first person who wrote civil rights periodically, although there were some before him who had an explanation of civil law, but in such a way that he did not write civil law, but in fact, there was no one who wrote civil rights analytically, and this It is his genius and initiative that he paid attention to this matter without any internal example and solved the lack of legal scientific works and it became a victory for others who turned to writing after him.
Dr. Emami, after years of teaching and chairing the Private and Islamic Law Department of the Faculty of Law and being elected as an Distinguished Professor of Tehran University in 1346, retired at his own request (1347), but sometimes at the Faculty of Law of the former National University (Shahid) Beheshti Kanuni) was teaching.
“They were true professors, in fact, Dr. Amir Nasser Katouzian, Dr. Mohammad Jafar Jafari Langroudi, Dr. Mehdi Shahidi and other Akbars were their students, and they were the guides of Dr. Katouzian and Langroudi’s doctoral dissertations. If it is a matter of title, he is rightfully the father of Iran’s laws, the one who influenced the rest of Akbar, even if others disagree with him in their later opinions, but they cannot hide his influence on them, the fact that they always remember him with respect. they do.”
Dr. Seyed Hassan Emami died in Switzerland in 1358 due to cancer and while he was unable to speak and was in a coma in the last months of his life. His body was buried in one of the cemeteries of this country.
Source: The Book of Faces in the History of Modern Law and Justice Higher Education System, Abbas Mobarakian, first edition, Pidaish Publications, summer 1377